
Our Commitment to a Quality Education

At its core, academic assessment is about improving the quality of student learning. Faculty are engaged in an ongoing process of defining what the learning outcomes are for a program of study and evaluating the student achievement of those outcomes. All academic majors, as well as the general education curriculum, are assessed by faculty.

Academic Assessment Committee

The Academic Assessment Committee is the body that oversees academic assessment. The Committee is charged with proposing policy on academic assessment and facilitating the process of assessment for all academic programs. The Committee aggregates and analyzes assessment data and provides feedback with respect to assessment materials in order to inform practice.

The administration and mechanics of academic assessment are located in the Office of Academic Affairs.

Inquiries may be directed to:

Dawn Wallace-Pascoe
Director of Assessment, and Institutional Data and Research

Annual Assessment Report

The Academic Assessment Committee (AAC) summarizes its work every year in an Annual Report.

Focus Groups

The Focus Group process was designed to allow a set of programs each year to receive targeted assistance and more in-depth focus on assessment. ODU follows a five-year cycle of focus group programs. Faculty from the focus group programs meet during an academic year with the Academic Assessment Committee to work on assessment initiatives. End products include the completion of a five-year assessment plan and creation of a poster or other documentation in order to share results with the incoming groups in the next academic year.

Elements of Assessment

Faculty use the Course Assessment Form (CAF) to document the achievement of student learning outcomes in their courses and modifications due to that assessment. Course Assessments consist of an online survey and a Course Assessment Worksheet and are emailed to faculty each semester. 

Program faculty complete the annual Program Assessment Survey in which they identify assessment goals for the current year, and summarize what was learned and what changes that were made from the previous year.

Undergraduate General Education Curriculum

Ohio Dominican University adopted a revised set of student learning outcomes for the degree-seeking undergraduate students in Spring 2016 (approved by the Faculty Senate on Feb. 10, 2016). A five-year rotation will be used to assess each outcome across general education and major coursework. An additional outcome of Specialized Knowledge will be assessed through ongoing major program assessments and the five-year rotation of Academic Assessment Focus Groups. (Revised 2/7/2023) 

Student Evaluation of Teaching

Students have the opportunity to evaluate every course they take at Ohio Dominican University. Students provide anonymous feedback on both the course content and the instructor. Faculty utilize this information in revising their courses and their teaching methods.

Resources for Faculty

Visit the Academic Assessment content in the Faculty Resource Center course in for links to assessment forms, a quick guide to assessment, how-to videos and other resources.