
Course offerings listed below may vary from year to year based on course availability. For the most up-to-date courses, course requirements and descriptions, always refer to the current University Catalog. View the current Catalog here.

ACT 210 - Accounting for Financial Decision Making
3 Credits
A study of basic concepts and fundamentals underlying the measurement, valuation, analysis and communication of financial accounting information to external users for decision making and problem solving. 

Co-requisites: CIS 107. 

ACT 220 - Accounting for Managerial Decision Making
3 Credits
A study of basic concepts and fundamentals underlying the planning, controlling and communicating of managerial accounting information to internal users for decision making and problem solving. 

Prerequisite: ACT 210 with a minimum grade of C-; or permission of instructor and division chairperson.

CIS 108L - Computer Applications for Business
2 Credits
An introduction to basic computer technology and terminology needed for the understanding and use of computer applications in business environments. Topics include: input, output, file structures, and storage devices. Students will gain laboratory experience with word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software.

CIS 150 - Programming Fundamentals
3 Credits
Introduction to structured programming techniques, design, and style. Concepts of modularity and elementary data structures are introduced. The laboratory component of the course emphasizes the logical approach to problem solving through the analysis of concrete examples and programming problems. 

Prerequisite: MTH 102 or equivalent.

CIS 160 - Object-Oriented Programming
3 Credits
Introduction to the concepts of object-oriented programming techniques, focusing on the definition and use of classes along with inheritance, polymorphism, and composition. Topics include recursion, using class libraries, exception handling, file I/O, graphical user interfaces, simple analysis of algorithms, basic searching and sorting algorithms, and an introduction to computer science and software engineering issues. 

Prerequisite: CIS 150.

CIS 180 - Survey of Computer Information Systems
3 Credits
An exploration of information technology as it is used in both corporate and consumer environments. Serves as an introduction to the fundamentals of computer systems, with a practical goal of understanding and evaluating the relative benefits of a variety of hardware and software products. Provides a basic overview of business productivity software. Some sections may include a service-learning component. Not open to students with Credit for CIS 107.


CIS 200 - Data Structures
3 Credits

Continuation of CIS 150. Development of algorithms, programs, and data structures with emphasis on the implementation of arrays, records, stacks, queues, trees, and linked lists.

Prerequisite: CIS 160; Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MTH 145. Not open to students with Credit for CIS 202 or CIS 250.

CIS 210 - Assembly Language
3 Credits
Study of the interface between computer hardware and software. Topics covered include data definitions, control structures, interrupt handling, macros, and the assembly process. 

Prerequisite: CIS 150.

CIS 230 - Operating Systems
3 Credits
Study of operating system concepts, including simple processing, concurrent processing, deadlock, memory management, processor scheduling, disk scheduling, protection mechanism, and file systems. 

Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CIS 200.

CIS 234 - Database Management Systems
3 Credits
A study of relational database management concepts and features, including the creation, maintenance, and manipulation of database files using a current relational database management system. 

Not open to students with Credit for CIS 204 and CIS 340.

CIS 240 - COBOL Programming & File Design
3 Credits
Introduction to COBOL programming language and file processing techniques, with emphasis on the principles of sequential, indexed, and random access file organization and management.

Prerequisite: CIS 150 or previous programming experience. 

CIS 252 - Programming in Java
3 Credits
This course introduces structured programming techniques, design, and style in Java from a specifically object-oriented perspective. The logical approach to problem solving through the analysis of concrete examples and programming problems is also emphasized in this course. 

Prerequisite: CIS 200. Not open to students with Credit for CIS 152.

CIS 316 - Networks & Data Communications
3 Credits
A study of current trends, concepts, and goals in computer networks and data communications, including protocols, configurations, implementations, and applications with emphasis on local area networks and internetworking. 

Prerequisite: CIS 106, or CIS 107, or CIS 180. Not open to students with Credit for CIS 206 and CIS 310.

CIS 324 - Systems Analysis
3 Credits
Examination of the tools and techniques for the analysis, design and implementation of information systems with an emphasis on current trends and studies. 

Prerequisite or Co-requisite: CIS 234. Not open to students with Credit for IS 224 or CS 345.

CIS 330 - Operating Systems Laboratory
3 Credits
Students program a significant portion of a conventional, process-based operating system. Components include memory management, process management, process coordination and synchronization, interprocess communication, and device drivers. 

Prerequisites: CIS 210 and CIS 230.

CIS 334 - Advanced Database Management
3 Credits
Continued application of database management with emphasis on particular database management systems and languages—(a) Advanced SQL, (b) Oracle, (c) DB2, (d) FileMaker. Repeat Credit possible for different topics. 

Prerequisites: CIS 150 and CIS 234.

CIS 350 - Advanced Data Structures
3 Credits
Extensive exploration of lists and trees, their various implementations and applications to stacks and queues, sparse matrix and graph representation. Students write programs using dynamic and object-oriented techniques. 

Prerequisites: CIS 200 and MTH 145. Not open to students with Credit for CS 250.

CIS 352 - Programming for Internet Applications
3 Credits
Examination of programming languages and techniques for Internet-based applications. 

Prerequisites: CIS 120, CIS 152, CIS 200 and CIS 316. Not open to students with Credit from CIS 352A, 352B, or 352D.

CIS 370 - Software Tools for Data Analysis & Visualization
3 Credits
In this course students will study how to use a number of utilities in different computing environments to assemble and process data for further analysis. They will also work with a set of software tools for visualization and demonstration of different types of data. 

Prerequisite: CIS 150.

CIS 440 - Readings in Computer & Information Science
3 Credits
In this course a series of readings of classic subjects as well as recent advancement in computer and information science will be studied. An overarching understanding in this field and the ability to conduct literature review will be developed. 

Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing in Computer and Information Systems major.

CIS 460 - Planning & Management of Information Systems
3 Credits
An in-depth study of the theoretical and practical uses of information systems for management decision making and strategic planning. Problems and illustrations used in the course will be abstracted from actual business situations, including microcomputer and mainframe examples. 

Prerequisites: CIS 324. This course should be taken toward the end of the degree program.

CIS 479 - Capstone Seminar
3 Credits
This seminar will offer a capstone experience in the student’s own discipline within mathematics and computer information systems, as well as a capstone experience in the core curriculum. As a culminating experience in the discipline, this course will require each student to engage in a discipline-specific project under the supervision of a faculty member within the student’s own discipline. In addition, students will be asked to ponder and discuss topics relevant to all scientific endeavors. Such topics include, but are not limited to, nature of proof and research ethics. 

As a capstone for the core curriculum, this seminar will provide a setting for students to read and discuss texts which raise questions related to human nature, common good, justice, ethics, scientific expertise, and search for knowledge in the contexts of scientific research and technological development. Interdisciplinary communication will be emphasized throughout the course.

Prerequisite: Completion of junior core seminar.

CIS 1/2/3/485 - Special Topics
1-3 Credits
A study of topics in computer information systems not covered by the standard curriculum but of special interest to faculty and students. 

Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor.

CIS 2/3/486 - Independent Study
1-3 Credits
Intensive individual work in an area of computer information systems. Includes Honors Program research or the development of a major computer project in an area of interest to the student that is not covered in other courses in the department. 

Prerequisites: eight hours of previous CIS coursework, consent of the instructor, academic advisor, and division chairperson.

CIS 497 - Professional Experience
1-3 Credits
Supervised employment experience in a computer science related field with 40 hours of work for each semester hour of Credit. Graded Pass/Fail. 

Prerequisites: CIS 350 or 460 and consent of the division chairperson; successful completion of application requirements for internship. This course should be taken in the final semester.

CRJ/SOC/POL 352 - Research Methods
3 Credits
This course examines research design and measurement techniques useful for understanding social science research. The course is skill based involving students in critical evaluation of existing research relevant to their specific field of study, design of a research project, and an introduction to data analysis using SPSS. Of particular interest are issues of problem definition and research question formulation, conceptualization and operationalization of variables, sampling, and application of various methodologies from experimental designs to evaluation research. 

Prerequisites: MTH 140; junior standing or consent of the instructor.

ECN 207 - Principles of Microeconomics
3 Credits
A basic study of the decision making behavior of individuals, households, firms, industries, and other economic units regarding resource allocation. Students will explore how markets function to coordinate the economic activities of different economic units. Topics include scarcity, opportunity cost, demand and supply, consumption, production, market structures, and profit maximization.

ECN 208 - Principles of Macroeconomics
3 Credits
A basic study of the overall economy including inflation, unemployment, economic growth, money supply, national income, and government economic policies. It emphasizes the important measures used to determine an economy’s performance and explores the potential impacts of macroeconomic policy.

ECN 325 - Intermediate Micro Economics
3 Credits
A study of the roles of the price system as a mechanism for resource allocation and as a guide for price and output determination. It provides the tools for cost-benefit analysis vital to decision making in organizations. 

Prerequisite: ECN 205 or ECN 207-208. Not open to students with Credit for ECN 225.

MTH 121 - Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
3 Credits
An introduction to modern mathematics and its applications designed to foster an awareness of the nature of mathematics, to promote an understanding of the role of mathematics in today's society, and to encourage the development of critical and quantitative reasoning skills. Topics include the mathematics of voting and social choice, graphs and management science, mathematical growth from numeric and geometric perspectives, and the collection and analysis of data. 

Prerequisite: MTH 102 or placement. Not open to students with Credit for MTH 110.

MTH 140 - Introduction to Statistics
3 Credits
An introduction to the basic concepts and computations used in statistical analysis as well as their application to problems in other disciplines, especially biology, business, education, and social sciences. Topics include the description of data graphically and numerically, the collection of data via samples and experiments, and the process of drawing inferences or conclusions from data. The laboratory component of the course emphasizes conceptual understanding, interpretation of statistical quantities, and written/oral communication and will require the use of mathematical software. 

Prerequisite: MTH 102 or placement.

MTH 145 - Discrete Mathematics
3 Credits
Consideration of discrete mathematical topics including logic, set theory, algorithms, Boolean algebra, number systems, and graph theory. 

Prerequisite: MTH 102 or placement. Not open to students with Credit for MTH 345.

PHL 101 - Introduction to Logic
3 Credits
An introduction to critical thinking, with an emphasis on the logical analysis of arguments and on the reasoning skills needed for standardized tests such as the GMAT, GRE, LSAT, and MCAT. 

Note: This course does not fulfill any part of the philosophy requirement in the core curriculum.

PSY 232 - Research Methods & Statistics I
3 Credits
An introduction to the methods used in psychological research including descriptive, predictive, and experimental procedures with emphasis on the appropriate use of statistics. Laboratory work develops skills in literature review, hypothesis formulation, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and scientific report writing. 

Prerequisite: PSY 100; Pre- or Co-requisite: MTH 140.

PSY 332 - Research Methods & Statistics II
3 Credits
A continuation of the material covered in Research Methods and Statistics I with an emphasis on more complex experimental procedures and the appropriate use of statistics (covering the dependent t-test, ANOVA, and nonparametric statistics). Laboratory work further develops skills in literature review, hypothesis formulation, data collection, data analysis and interpretation, and scientific reporting. 

Prerequisites: PSY 100, PSY 232, MTH 140.

PSY 352 - Psychological Testing
3 Credits
An introduction to psychological tests and their psychometric properties in the measurement of individual and group differences. Topics include intelligence, aptitude, achievement, interests, and personality. Emphasis on the use of testing in various settings such as education, business, and mental health. 

Prerequisites: MTH 140, PSY 100, or consent of instructor.

SWK 352 - Research Methods
3 Credits
This course examines research design and measurement techniques useful for understanding social science research. The course is skill based involving students in designing and carrying out an original research project, tabulating and analyzing the data, and writing a research report. Of particular interest are issues of problem definition, conceptualization and operationalization of research questions, sampling, and application of various methodologies from experimental designs to evaluation research. 

Prerequisites: MTH 140; Junior standing or consent of the instructor.